steppingstones Member


  • I have read this last post. It do touched me. My son is encouraging me to move for the same reason! I am mulling it over
  • Hello. Great to hear from you. I will look into the Gillian Riley book you mentioned. I need a reboot!! I began suffering from this frozen shoulder situation months ago and most modalities have not worked...physical therapy, acupuncture, blah, blah blah. I think if I get back on track and work around the situation I might…
  • Hello. Diamondettes don't know if you are still looking at this spot. Im back and after falling off the face of the earth and gaining pounds, I figured I better give this another go. Haven't read very much as I don't seem in the mood. If you two are still around let me know. :wink:
  • Are we still reading?
  • M. Enjoy your trip. Happy Birthday to your son. What fun!!!!!!!!!!! I ordered the book. Cheers Diamondettes. :)
  • Sorry about your daughter-in-law's miscarriage. Sad and sometimes takes long time for parents to recover. Maeve Binchey is delightful and I would welcome reading her. Oregon was great. Loved the plays I saw in Ashland. Stay well my book friends. M
  • I just read bestseller, Before the Fall. You know, one of those books you start reading and before you know it it's 3 o'clock in the morning. Finished is in a couple of days. I am on the road again, exploring Oregon. Since we are all going in different directions...shall we pick a book for September? Any book on your…
  • The Nightingale is well written and I must admit I put it down for a while as it was emotionally jarring.I have been picking up these light reading specials for my ereader... Doing It Over, Rainy Day SIsters, Finding the Rainbow. Easy reading for hot, summer days. And the cheap Bookbub price! I am really an introvert and…
  • hope everyone has a spectacular 4th.My book, The Nightingale, is very serious but will not comment until Lenore has the book. Happy Summer.
  • I like the idea. Let's compare notes. In chapter 1 of The Nightingale -It is 1995. On the Oregon Coast an ailing woman prepares to leave her home of 50 years. She will move in with her son...her only request is that she keeps with her an old steamer trunk. In the trunk are secrets of a life not yet shared with her family.…
  • Do you all subscribe to BookBub? It sends a message daily to you e reader or computer of daily sales of books to read online. Today The Nightingale by Kristen Hannah is on sale. Bought it (many friends have recommended it). Could we also consider it as a monthly read for our group?
  • Don't know what I want to read ...someone pick!!! I am doing lots of getting rid of stuff. How does one accumulate so much...exhausting !
  • No that was last month. I am ready to go back. Where does the time go? Did we decide on a book for June?
  • Sorry to be out of touch. I went to Hawaii for a few weeks and since back never got off Aloha time. Now I must get serious about my eating and exercise plan. L. I, too, loved the Allende book. It was long but the character was interesting. I really enjoyed the history of California she included in the later part of the…
  • L. I have read Robin Cook and I had the same reaction...real Nervous!!! I did not read another. I will be saying Aloha a lot B. for a couple of weeks. So could we please make the Allende book our April selection. Only books for a while will be the ones on my e reader.
  • Twists and turns for sure. I am kind of getting to be less of a fan of the back and forth. L. I also likedthat the ending was a surprise. Depressed...oh, I think so too. Have another drink :/ ! Glad to have read it as it has been a best seller for over a year. It is compared to Gone Girl which I think I preferred. On to…
  • I am back to reading Train, also. L. Hope you like suggestion. :wink: let you all know when I am off the Train. m
  • Joys...hmmm. Not today :). Suggestion - Daughter of Fortune by Allende.
  • hi... just finished struggling with tree roots clogging up main drain!!!! Think I would rather watch a movie than read a book :blush: I, also have not finished our Jan. selection. Put it aside to read my current book club selection and be the dynamo with a plunger. Still want to finish it. But we can think ahead to March.…
  • Hi there. Just got book today will start it this weekend. Looking forward to it. Will keep you posted.
  • Hi, Just got the book today. Anyone have it or plan to read it? Hope all is well with the Diamonettes.
  • Happy New Year!!! Wish you both the best 2016!!! Okay, let's go with The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins. I put in a library request and it is available. I was surprised. I know the Agatha book is called an English Cozy...not so cozy with all the bodies!! Vegas...good way to bring in the New Year. M. hope your daughter…
  • Sending good wishes for your daughter's speedy recovery. I know your being close by will help her. One book is lengthy and one is average. Does that matter? You may be pressed for time as you are caring for your family. L - any ideas for us?
  • Happy New Year Diamonettes!! I hope your Christmas turned out well. Mary I hope you had a soft place to land. Lenore I hope your daughter pampered you sufficiently. Mine was good as I had a house filled with kids and so the excitement of Christmas was definitely here. Yes, let's put our heads together and pick something…
  • Happy Holidays Diamondettes. I received the December book and hope to start it this week. I read Badger's Drift and liked the atmosphere but the outcome was as unsettling as the show. I have put Liberty Falling on the list! Have fun at the parties!! Hope you both have a warm and cozy Christmas planned.
  • Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. I will order our December read today.
  • Yes. I did see Wild and enjoyed it. Wanting to see Brooklyn, really liked the book but it is playing no where around here. Saw Bridge of Spies...edge of your seat ...really good . And it is true. M. I, too, am not familiar with the authors you mentioned. Maybe you can lead us in the New Year and we can read some of the…
  • That headboard has untold treasures ! Interested what you thought of ending of Badger's Drift. Still reading The Year of Wonders. Love this author! Third book I have read and I had excitement of hearing her speak at a luncheon recently. L. if you are still reading the book, you must be glad to be a Nurse today.…
  • You are an inspiration, L!!!!!! I am back to reading Year of Wonders again. Liking it, too. This author does her research!!!!
  • I about to read, Year of Wonder by Geraldine Brooks. Might interest you- Historical Fiction. It is about a plague which took place in England in 1666. Sounds weird but she is such a good writer.