

  • Hello, My name is Sarah. Otherwise known as citygrl87 I am 24 years old. I actually just joined MFP in early October. My initial weight (even though people don't believe me) was 242.6. After 4 weeks tomorrow since counting calories and watching my portions, I am now 228.4. I am actually doing this with my cousin's gf. She…
  • I like that quote by Mark Twain. Very inspiring......:)
    in Day 1 Comment by citygrl87 October 2011
  • I like that quote by Mark Twain. Very inspiring......:)
    in Day 1 Comment by citygrl87 October 2011
  • I have been using my fitness pal since last tuesday and have already lost 5 lbs. just by watching my caloric intake and exercising way more than what I used to do. I am so excited. I cant wait to see how much weight I lose in the next 5 weeks. Good luck everyone!!!!
    in Day 1 Comment by citygrl87 October 2011