(new to this whole format thing so sorry if this looks weird) but in regards to the popcorn at the movie theater I went to the movies on sunday as well and what I did instead of buying popcorn was I brought 3 rice cakes, one caramel corn flavor and 2 butter popcorn flavor and i smashed them up in a plastic bag so it was…
Well I just finished Level 1 day 7, but my measurements aren't really doing anything, they're all messed up because I measure in a different place each time I think, I'll just post them when I start level 2 even if they havent changed. Plus side, I lost 2 lb!
Alright, just finished day 4 of the 30ds and here are my measurements for the day. Weight:253 lb Arms:17.5 in Hips:52.5 Belly Button:50.7 Waist:42.75 Bum: 50.5 Thighs: 29.5 Chest/Back:49
Hi all! I started the 30DS again last week but I would love to be a part of this with you guys! Just finished level 1 for the day!