Jessm130 Member


  • Last menstrual period
  • Hi im Jessica.. and according to my lmp im due Dec. 6! Congratulations and so sorry to hear about your first! add me if you like, im bad about being on here but i check it often even if i dont reply much
  • I'm kinda in the same boat.. I started doing classes at my gym and noticed a little loss but then I stopped and am do it on my own.. but I've been stuck at 193 for a while now.. maybe try throwing in some weight lifting, it burns.more than just cardio alone. also some tips I got from other mfp friends is look at…
  • My name is Jessica and I have a 3 year old daughter SW: 207 (a few months ago) CW:193 GW:125-145 (as long as im in a healthy range) anyone feel free to add me :-)
  • im 5'4 actually but SW: 207 CW:193 GW: 125-145 (anywhere in between, i have been a size 4 and small and weighed 145 before!) good luck everyone on achieving your goals!!!
  • yes, i do a warm up, then lift, then my 30-40 mins of cardio.. I was told by the trainers at the gym i go to, they said you will burn more that way.
  • you can add me also if youd like!
  • Hi guys my name is Jessica, i am a mom to a beautiful 3 yr old little girl. I am a full time hairstylist as well, finding time (and energy) to workout is kinda tough, i manage to get like 2 workouts a week plus a day or 2 full of errands/cleaning. I am 5'4 and currently 194. i gained 35lb when i had my daughter, lost most…
  • Oh i am so bad with this!!! when i dont have it i feel great.. but as soon as i have some its like i want it all the time! and i feel icky when i drink soda!!! I love tea but really only sweet tea, not a big fan of coffee unless im SUPER tired and its SUPER sweet! guess the best thing is just not to buy it!