erinscribbles Member


  • As everyone here has already pointed out. It is supposed to be hard, Jillian herself tells you that it's hard, but you have to keep going if you want results. You don't have to do everything at the same pace as the girls if it's killing you, go at the pace that you can keep going, and push yourself to go a little bit…
  • Slow weight loss is number one, as everyone else has pointed out. The rest are all things that i have heard and trying out as I lose my weight: 1) Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate 2) I have heard on many different message boards that strength training will help a little bit with this. I think it's more of a "fill the void with…
  • I have a New Balance armband as well. It fits just fine and snug. I am 234lbs at 5'7" with an arm measurement of 16 inches. When I first started wearing it, I did notice that I was getting a little tiny sore on my arm. I'm not exactly sure what it was on the armband that was causing it. I think it might have been something…
  • Strength Training will build muscle which will increase your metabolism overall. Lean body mass (muscle) burns more calories at rest than fat body mass. In the long run, Strength training is certainly more about overall health and lean body mass than it is about losing weight. Remember, if you want to lose weight, you…
  • You are doing an amazing job! The person shouting out the window at you is a bully, probably insecure in some way, so he/she has to put someone down to feel good about themselves. I like your spirit! Instead of letting it get you down, you got right back up and posted some pictures on the internet of all places that takes…
  • Definitely talk to your doctor about diet. With diabetes there is such a thing as too few carbs. It's actually quite a balancing act trying to figure out what is just the right amount. I don't know much about pre-diabetes, but I know that for a diabetic, 1 carb a day is way too little, you need to have them throughout the…
  • If you want to make a life style change and learn how to eat properly, you should definitely count them. Many of us have been eating far too many processed foods with very little nutritional values to really count for the amount of calories they are. I use my calories as a gage of when I am done eating. I track Fat, Carbs,…
  • Joints, especially your knees, are no joke. I agree with the above poster about going to see a doctor. If you don't want to do that right away, I suggest looking for the stretches/exercises for shin splints and trying that out twice a day for a month, if it doesn't work, you should not wait any longer for a doctor's visit.…
  • The lowest I have ever been was 175. This was also when I realized I had a smaller body frame than I thought I had. I have always been quite a bit heavier than everyone else. Right now my goal is 160 (highest point for healthy BMI) but I think I will find that I'm a bit more flabby than I want to be at that point. However,…