

  • I was actually going to recommend the same book. It is phenomenal. By lifting a large amount of weight, you will not bulk up. Lower reps with more weight will help you build strength. The higher reps and lower weight will build the endurance fibers in your muscles up. However, these endurance fibers are ones that women are…
  • This is fantastic. Just had to share that. Love love love it.
  • I like the sounds of this. I think I would like to try it. Sign me up! :-) -Katie
  • I weigh pretty much everything. Keeps me honest to tell you the truth. ;-) As far as the "handful" of nuts, if you are really worried about it, you could always weigh them at home and then just bring them to work. You could put them in little snack baggies, or little tupperware containers. If the thought of doing that…