

  • I will be happy to answer. For me it is not an ethical thing. I read a book about the processing of beef and have been unable to get the images out of my mind--that was 15 yrs ago! I have not had beef, chicken, or fish since. I do cook meat for my kids. They can either eat it or have whatever I'm having. I do think it is…
  • how about a nice greek salad with your cucumbers, tomatoes, red onions, feta cheese, and greek dressing. Doesn't take much dressing...
    in Cucumbers? Comment by lisaks June 2010
  • Hi Krissy, I noticed when I was there last that a lot of the major rides have a "test seat" out front that you can try out before getting in line. Hope that helps! Have a great time! I was facinated by the dragster roller coaster but didn't have the courage to get on it. I will be watching for your posts to see if you try…