

  • I track it by using my heart rate monitor and using the burn as a cardio exercise and track the calorie burn.
  • It is a big calorie burn. It is more geared towards losing weight and staying thin. No weights involved so building lean muscle. While you can do P90X with lighter weights and more reps and do the same but there is that extra cost of equiptment for P90X.
  • Insanity is 6 days a week with Sunday being your off day. P90X is also 6 days a week with Sunday being an optional stretch. For all of the workouts the vary from 45 - 60 minutes except yoga on p90x which is 90 minutes. If you want indivdual for all workouts let me know I have the books next to me.
  • I have both. I do insanity in the mourning and p90x at night. p90x does require extra equiptment to do all of the exercises. Such as: push-up bars, yoga block if you're not flexible enough, weights, and a chin up bar. While insanity is pure cardio and doing the exercises without extra equiptment. The insanity workouts burn…
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