

  • I was having issues losing weight at first. Like half a pound to a pound a week. Then someone told me this "Eat breakfast like a king, Lunch like Prince and dinner like a pauper" I thought about it and it made since. So I switched everything up. I still eat a small breakfast just because I just cant eat that much first…
  • You are welcome to add me if you like. I started out at 220 and have lost 8 lbs so far. I still have 70 lbs to go but I know I will make there! Its hard to remain positive sometimes when you look at such a big number. I have tried to break it up some and I think it is helping me a little. I have a goal weight for…
  • Congrats on that loss! That's awesome! Keep up the good work!
  • I was suprised it wasnt here when I looked the other day. I hadnt seen the aerobic dance so I was putting it under high impact aerobics cuz its very high impact for me