Clew Member


  • Yoda, because of this one line: "Do, or do not. There is no try." That pretty much covers it.
  • I could never pull it off but Flo-Jo would be a good one. I loved how she was rock-hard bad and gorgeous-glam at the same time :)
  • Love me some Charlie. xoxo
  • I love to drink mint in my water - especially in the summertime! :)
  • I have thick eyebrows and I refuse to pluck them.
    in I'm gross Comment by Clew August 2012
  • I agree, great post! Patience really is key. I used to be able to drop excess weight with little to no problem. Now that I'm older (43), once it's on there it doesn't want to come off even with dynamite. What I eat and how I work out really reshapes my body though, even if the scale doesn't show it. Sugar and grain carbs…
  • I , too, love spaghetti squash. Also this great cucumber jicama salad recipe I have. Freaking awesome.
  • I don't really know - I turned my counter off because it doesn't really matter to me. When you think about it, the counter is pointless other than showing you are on your computer or app every day. You can log in with twinkies in your mouth, what does that prove? What matters is what you're doing with your life…
  • Agreeing with these comments here .. At least 100 grams of protein. Don't listen to people who will tell you that's hard on your liver or whatever ... you'd have to eat a ridiculous amount - amounts nearly impossible to reach by any average person even if they tried. I avoid grains and keep starchy vegetables and beans low…
  • Butter and olive oil for this girl :) - A good rule of thumb is to remember the further away something is from how it could be hunted/gathered and straight forward prepared, the worse it is for you. enjoy!
  • The number one skill to master when you are trying to change your life is to learn to forgive yourself. The past is the past - unchangeable. The future is still fluid. Start fresh. Don't look back. Be kind to yourself. Best wishes :flowerforyou:
  • Many people enjoy tattoos and have thought a long time about getting one. You obviously do not care for tattoos, which is fine. But if someone else does, it's as good of a self-reward as anything. You shouldn't get all "geesh" with someone when your first comment was so condescending in the first place.
  • I got 3 of my tats when I was young and skinny :wink: . My fourth/last ink was on my calf muscle, which while I was heavier in general, my legs are in great shape. So I wasn't worried about it. I would guess that your body mass could affect your outcome should you lose weight afterwards, depending on where it will be ...…
  • No, it's not. You find that everywhere. I just mind my own fitness business, that's what it's all about anyway. :)
    in My Stupid Pal Comment by Clew July 2012
  • I only weigh once or twice a month. Weighing too much (ESPECIALLY once a day, WTF??) just stresses me out and makes me nuts. The body fluctuates too much to do it all the time.
  • ^^ THIS!!!!!!! ^^ Who sees the scale? Just you. Who sees the shrinking inches? EVERYBODY!!! Get some perspective - the scale is NOT the best tool with which to measure your success! Great job - don't sweat the scale so much - you're obviously doing it right regardless of what it says :flowerforyou:
  • Bruce is up there with the greatest rock voices of all time. I'm trying to think of the last tour I saw then on. I think it was No Prayer. Seventh Son was a great tour!!! That's cool they're revisiting some of those cuts.
  • Wow - I saw Maiden years ago and I STILL say they're one of the best live shows I've ever seen. Have a great time!
  • I'm a paleo girl. Sent you a FR. :flowerforyou:
    in NEW PALEO Comment by Clew July 2012
  • Oh honey, don't stress!! - your tape measure tells you all you need to know. I suggest you gage your success mainly with a tape measure, not a scale. When I first started working out I dropped 2 sizes but gained weight. I didn't care about the scale when my size was obviously going down! Who sees the scale? Just you. Who…
  • I got my first tattoo in 1990. Not many girls had tattoos then so it was pretty cool and ballsy at the time. I've gotten 3 more since - and now everyone has them - seems like it's more rare to find someone with "virgin skin" than someone with a tattoo. So much for being unusual. :/
  • Don't weigh so dang much - you'll drive yourself nuts! Best wishes! :flowerforyou:
  • Aww, is calorie restriction making you cranky? :wink: Just kidding :happy:
  • It was definitely not love at first sight. In fact at that time I was certain I'd never love again. My (now ex-)husband was having an affair with his (now ex-)girlfriend. He found out and felt I deserved to know. So he contacted me and confirmed my suspicions. That's how I met him. We became each other's support through…
  • I haven't read any other responses so pardon if this a repeat in any way or if you've already reached your conclusion. I have been where you are, sort of. I was with a guy for 4 years that I ended up in the situation you are in. He was a wonderful guy and at one time I was very in love with and very attracted to him. But…
  • Codeine and Vicoden. Both give me the shakes and profuse icy sweats. Then I throw up so hard I feel like I'm going to turn inside out.
  • I have several tattoos. My husband doesn't care for tattoos. If either of us has something wrong with them, it's probably me. What's my point? I'm not sure. :wink:
  • My dear, let me share something with you that made it all come into focus for me. You have to remember it's not about motivation, it's about commitment. It's a promise to yourself to improve your health, and in turn your life. Make the promise and don't break it. You're so worth it. :flowerforyou: