

  • I am allergic to corn (and all deriviatives, quite severe), soy, peanuts, pistachio, gluten, rice, peaches, peppers, garlic, onion, lettuce... there's more. I don't eat my allergens because they've caused severe reactions. I can't breathe if most of them are around me. Scary! If I eat gluten I don't go anaphylactic or get…
  • I don't think Insanity could be too hard for anyone. I am way out of shape, I have major issues LOL and I can do it. At first I had to slightly modify movements to avoid injury or because of weakness (I have nerve damage to one ankle/leg/foot and disk problems in my back) but as I keep going I am already starting to adapt…
  • I'm on day 11 of Insanity... my husband is on day 37 so it's screwed up cause I jumped in on his program but it's working for me whether I am following the rules or not. We start month 2 on Monday and when we are done we will do another month so I get a whole program. I had done a couple workouts before I fully began that…
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