bakay138 Member


  • When hair around my face escapes my ponytail and tickles me for miles. That is usually when I realize the headband I meant to stick in my pocket is still sitting on the counter at home.
  • It's always important to drink a lot of water but it is particularly important the week of the race. It isn't enough to drink a lot before and during the race, that just leaves a lot of water in your stomach. Drinking a lot of water in the days leading up to the race will leave a lot of water in your cells. My experience…
  • No need to be scared, your user name is "Gwengogreen". It is simple deduction that your first name is Gwen. You list your age in the public part of your profile. Do get some help. My sister ruined her teeth purging. She also did damage to her heart through her eating disorder. You can beat this, you just need some help. GO…
  • I love the picture on your profile of you in the pencil skirt next to the "old" you in a loose pleated skirt. What a transformation! You are so stylish!!!
  • I LOVE THIS QUOTE! It is my new motto! Thanks.
  • Running with my running class. (we do different workouts each week and it alleaviates the tedium I feel when running). Zumba (my new fav!) Biking Ocean swimming Cleaning house vigorously. (as least you have a clean house at the end and yes, it is a work out the way I do it, lifting furniture, running a vacuum up and down…
  • You look amazing! Not only are you thin but so fit too! Whata great job you have done!
  • I am so very sorry for what you have gone through.
  • I would go back to my junior year in high school and appreciate weighing 115 pounds instead of thinking I was a fat. Sheesh.
  • Are you measuring your food portions? You may want to try doing that to see if you are actually only eating 800-900 calories a day. I have found that the serving size listed in the database and my actual serving size are often quite a bit different if I just eyeball my serving size. That leads to underreporting of actual…
  • Are you working out in a gym? Perhaps using weight machines or cardio machines the the previous user may have not wiped down and they were carrying a sick germ. Just a thought. You may want to start using hand sanitizer when you go to the gym or at the very least wash your hands immediately after working out and try not to…
  • Look for some short "fun runs" in your community geared for kids. Sometimes there is a kids fun run attached to a 5k run. That would probably be the best place to start. You can run the 5k while she cheers you on and she can do the fun run while you cheer her on. If she does a few of these short fun runs she may be get the…
  • Edamane die for.
  • WINE COUNTS?!?!?!?! ;-)
  • I am sorry for your loss, my condolences. Keeping your eye on your sons wedding as a short term goal is an excellent idea! You can do it!!!
  • I can only set my alarm on the quarter hour. Either 6:00am, 6:15, 6:30 etc. If the alarm goes one minute past to 6:31 when I am trying to set it, I have to start over again. I don't flush the toilet when I use it in the middle of the night because it will wake up the underbed monsters and I won't be able to safely make it…
  • I am guessing you need a pull up bar to fully execute this workout? Do you have one mounted in your house? What are the options when it comes to pull up bars? Sorry for the simplistic question but I haven't fully considered this work out because of the lack of access to a pull up bar. Any suggestions would be most…
    in p9ox Comment by bakay138 March 2012