

  • No I totally understand how you feel! I get those exact type of feelings nearly everyday, so I totally think you should be very proud! Remind yourself how good that felt next time you have one of those battles! hehe. Really good work! Keep it up. :)
  • Crikey!! You look amazing!!! WELL DONE! Inspiration! And wow, I just read you did it in 6 months!!! Holy **** that is truely amazing! I hope you weren't on a liquid diet!!! I though my 11 pounds in 10 weeks was good. You put me to shame!!
  • This doesn't appeal to me but hey... what ever works for you!! It hardly even counts as a snack really!
  • This sounds great! But what is a chocolate graham cracker? And cool whip?? hehe. I also sometimes put a yoghurt in the freezer for about 45 minutes so it freezes a little but not hard as rock. Specially great with for example vanilla and choc flec yoghurt (Muller do one).
  • I have worked in two Curves and I worked out daily at them. I think they really work. like everyone says great to get back into fitness. There is the boredom factor after awhile but if you have good instructors that really helps. Because it is quick I couldn't make up excuses as often. I also did the weight loss management…