Shadenkassar Member


  • I like clean shave. in fact, my son is trying to grow his beard and i keep asking him to shave it. He keeps telling me that he is trying to follow the Sunna (he's pretty religious) but i dont care, it makes men look older than their real age. Besides, I think faces look better without hair on them. If i was a man, i would…
  • Usually i loose weight during Ramadan, especially toward the end of it. However, last ramadan was the only ramadan i gained weight. I think its because i stayed up all night and slept in the day time. Since Ramadan came in the summer, me and my kids were off school, so i slept during the day and woke up all night. This is…
  • Amazing I always had big thighs, I never dreamed of getting good looking legs, at least in non-surgical means. Do you do any other form of exercise, or is it only JM's DVDs? Your before pic looks very similar to how i look now, with little lower tummy and big thighs, but you after pic is absolutely amazing. Congrats. thank…
  • me too. i havnt been on this site in months. i used to love it. i gained 10 pounds last year. i need to loose them and can't wait. I need motivation. every morning when i weigh myself, i get discouraged, not motivated.