235INFidel Member


  • I can definitely see a difference. You're doing great! The mirror and tape are DEFINITELY more important than the scale, but if you are concerned with the weight, I would drop the calorie intake. I'm 5'10" male and MFP has me at 1300 cal/day to lose 2 lbs. a week. Personally, I don't track calories burned through exercise.…
  • Don't sweat it. I'm jealous though. I can't remember the last time I had Taco Bell! If I see that XXL Chalupa commercial one more time....
  • I have the same problem. I quickly realized that having a "cheat weekend" was sabotaging the progress of the previous week. So now I just do one or two cheat meals. I don't stress over it, but I exercise more restraint.
  • I've been doing Eat-Stop-Eat which is a form of Intermittent Fasting. I fast for 24 hours twice a week (not back to back). For example, I had dinner around 6:00 tonight, so I won't take in any calories again until 6:00 tomorrow night (I never go a single "day" without food). So far so good. I've lost about 20 lbs. over 9…
  • Wow, a 40 day fast is amazing. Don't know how you did it. I'm currently trying Intermittent Fasting and it seems to be going well. I honestly think it's the easiest diet I've ever tried. I'm averaging about two pounds a week. Basically, I fast for 24 hours twice a week (not back to back). There are some hormonal benefits…