

  • One thing I have learned about Mommy-hood. If it looks good, tastes good and is sitting right in front of them, they will eat it. Put a plate of cookies on the table. They will eat it. Put a plate of apple slices on the table. They will eat it. Put a bowl of cheetos out. They will eat it. Put a bowl of grapes out. They…
  • Caffeinated beverages such as soda, coffee and tea also are water sources, although pure water is the best hydration option.
  • Multivitamins make me feel a little queasy sometimes too. Make sure you eat first, then take the vitamin with at least 8 ounces of water. If you are mixing the vitamin with other vitamins or medications, they may be interacting poorly and would be better taken separately or at another meal (lunch). Talk to your doctor too,…
  • I have a microwave egg poacher that I use all the time. The only drawback is that it cooks the yoke too. I also like to keep hard-boiled eggs handy and add them to salads, whip up egg salad or eat alone as a quick snack.
  • Do you have a workout buddy or a trainer? Working out with a partner can help you focus and take your mind off others. In my experience, gyms have their own little social structure. Once the 'regulars' see you there for a while you will become assimilated to the group and they will start saying hello and being more…
  • If you need groups to help you stay accountable, then WW might be a better fit for you. I found the meetings boring after attending them for a couple of months. Then I started dreading them. A lot of the people in my group felt the same. We became WW dropouts. I don't need to pay someone to weigh me once a week. I like MFP…