

  • I just ordered my food and it's supposed to come by Tuesday evening. Guess I'll be starting Wednesday. My sister-in-law recently lost 85 lbs and loves it. I'll be surprised if I can do the 5 and 1 for longer than two or three months, but plan on transitioning over to more "real" food or evening slowly transition to Weight…
  • I'm in! We've had all sorts of adventure - job loss, move across the country, etc. and needless to say I'm back to square one. Tomorrow (July 9) I'm starting 30 days of "no sugar" (which is really no refined carbs, treats, etc.) and 5 hours of cardio a week. I would love to have a little group support.
  • I did that a couple of summers ago (along with any refined carbs) and lost weight really fast. I hit a plateau and then it has slowly creeped back on the past two years. I need to do something to jump start but not quite sure what. When were you thinking of starting no sugar?