Carmandicus Member


  • If you're that concerned about GMO, or refined sugars, I think cheapest and most effective way to go about it is just to make your own with a food processor. This is my favorite recipe: There are plenty of others circulating the internet that include protein powder…
  • Raw zucchini pasta! You simply make your noodles with a potato peeler. There are a lot of variations on recipes, but here's two:
  • The genetically modified corn and soybeans, used as filler in almost all processed foods, labeled as high fructose corn syrup, citric acid and a myriad of other preservatives, are not the same as the husks of corn you buy to put on your barbecue.
  • My athletic therapist recommended using a Nalgene water bottle if I couldn't find a foam roller... also those spikey, plastic dryer balls, or a tennis ball, are a great tool for stretching the IT band in the hip.