olnsar Member


  • I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who does this! :) I say if you've got the calories, go for it. The important thing is to know when to stop...
  • I too have only lost half a pound. I could probably have lost more if I gave up my nightly glass of wine... but I refuse :) I am also not getting a ton of exercise because I injured myself - I made the great mistake of playing Wii (ie. running and dancing indoors) on a concrete floor, and now my ankles are killing me. My…
  • May I join? I'm at 139.5 and am trying to get to 132 by Christmas. I'm relatively new to the site and think I could use some accountability by joining a group, as opposed to just lurking around the message boards :)
  • You're better than I am - I just can't seem to give up wine and dessert :) My only question is: are you not wild about vegetables? It seems like you are better with fruits...