

  • Thanks so much for your post! I didn't know how to use the forum so I could never see responses!
  • Right now it is just fruit and vegetables with no starch or cheese! It has been getting challenging trying to think of new and creative ideas! Thanks for the help!
  • Thank you everyone all of your suggestions are awesome! I have a new sense of kitchen inspiration! :happy:
  • Thanks for your reply! Sorry I guess I'm supposed to add "quote" in there so you know I"m replying to you. I can't use a lot of peanut butter about 1 tablespoon per dish.
  • Thanks for your reply! Right now I've essentially been making stir fry, or cooking them on the grill. I will eat them any which way, I like vegetables but most commonly I saute them or make a small stir fry. The lettuce wrap sounds delicious! What else do you put in with the lettuce wraps?
  • I can use it sparingly so essentially about 1 tablespoon per dish.
  • Congratulations! You're doing it the right way and I just wanted to say that all that you have accomplished is amazing! Although I am 29 and not 19 I know what it's like being the fat friend etc and I wanted to make a change for the better as well! I'm not yet at 50 lbs but I am getting there and I want to applaud you for…
  • Hi Ladies, I am heavier than 180, that's actually one of my goals is to get to 180 and right now I'm at 224. Originally I was at 256 at my heaviest. I am trying to find support here on MFP to see if I can keep up with exercising and eating right so that eventually I can be fit and solid. I don't want to be "skinny", I want…
  • That's phenomenal! You're right, not everyone can see it or feel it! Keep up the good work!! That's amazing! I hope someday I am able to see all of my calf muscle (without any fat) and wear calf boots!!
  • Hey Tom, The first step is the most challenging. You will get there and being part of a community where a majority of us suffer the same fate is a good support system to keep you honest and keep you going. I participate in a hospital regimented diet called HMR Healthy Solutions diet which allowed me to cook fruits and…
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