First, do not let yourself get discouraged. I started my journey at 320 pounds and I am still working on it. It will happen! A good place to start if you can is to go have your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) tested to get a more accurate reading on the minimum amount of calories that you should be taking in. Most insurance…
What has always worked for me is to eat something small, 30-45 minutes before a workout. Usually something like a spoonful of natural peanut butter and half a banana. In my experience the nausea usually gets better and stops all together once your body gets more used to the workout and your fitness improves.
Raleigh area here :-)
Thank you so much! I am always looking for new crock pot recipes!
I just turned 36 last month :-)
It's great, I love it, I have been going there for about 3.5 years now. Come on by and give it a try, you can do a free class at any time, or just try it for one week if you want.
I try to keep it pretty strict during the week and like to have a "Cheat day or Free day" on the weekend, usually Sunday. This helps to keep me sane and curb the cravings during the week. So it usually involves a good meal at a favorite restaurant, some good comfort food, dessert, Pizza, Burgers, things like that. If I…
Krav Maga Raleigh!
Peanut Butter Reese's Peanut Butter Cups Movie Popcorn
Very pretty eyes ClareyCakes!
Off the top of my head, I can name a few... Christina Hendricks, Felicia Day, and Zooey Deschanel.
I am a peanut butter junkie, I love all things peanut butter and eat it almost everyday. One of my favorite breakfasts is eating a whole grain waffle with some peanut butter and sliced banana on top. I will also make some oatmeal with some peanut butter and chocolate protein powder mixed in once in awhile for something…
Yoga pants are irresistible NOT irresponsible! Guys love women in yoga pants.... just sayin!