

  • Mederma has a product for stretch marks now and if it works anything like their product for scars, it's got to be great!
  • You should partner with others losing weight (at least one heavier and one smaller than you) and you can give yours to the heavier and receive from the smaller person!!! Congratulations!!
  • The leaner the beef, the dryer it will be so you want to be sure to cook it medium-medium well. Coriander, black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, and a little seasoning salt should do the trick...just don't overmix the seasonings into the creates a tough burger. If you add some finely minced onion, it will…
  • Dr. Oz talked about this on his show today...check out his website. Off the top of my head, he recommended a strawberry daiquiri instead of a pina colada, a cosmopolitan instead of a mudslide (my personal favorite!!), and a mojito instead of a margarita.
  • Being a late starter is KILLING me!!!! Determined to stay on task, I did 100 pushups yesterday and 100 today...I look forward to ONLY 50!!!! Crazy, huh??
  • I joined MFP on Monday and just saw the challenge today so I need to catch up... I will struggle my way through the push-ups (and take my 16-year-old daughter with me!!)'s to upper body strength! Since I have two 40th birthday cruises to attend, this will keep me focused and on task. I want to boast my 40 pound…
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