

  • It's different for everyone. I've seen people lose weight and their breast size barely changed at all. I'm envious of every last one of them haha. I lost about 50 pounds, and my boobs were pretty much the first to go. In general terms, it's safe to say that there will be a size difference, but the weight will go where it…
  • I rarely drink anything but water anymore, but when I do drink diet soda, I quickly feel addicted, constantly feel hungry, and retain water weight like mad, mad I tell ya! I don't believe in total deprivation of junk food and drinks, but moderation is absolutely key. Depriving yourself of something you're craving…
  • Though I'm not practicing my own advice at the moment, judging by the nearly empty can of pringles in front of me, I will say what helps when I actually put in the effort is this: Eat high fiber foods to make you feel full, drink PLENTY of water (this helps keep you full and flush out water weight!), and don't deprive…
  • I often tend to feel sick after I eat. I think a big part of it is anxiety. If you're worried about your weight or have any sort of anxiety toward food, illness, etc., it could cause you to feel sick. I would also advise seeing if it has to do with any type of food allergy you might have. I haven't been checked myself, but…
  • Definitely. I had major, major acne in high school. It started clearing up around my Sophomore or Junior year when I stopped eating meat and went away almost completely when I started drinking more water and working out, except for the normal occasional break out here and there.
  • I always add herbal tea to my water ticker.
  • I love putting on deadmau5's For Lack of a Better Name album and playing it through. All of the songs have pretty much the same tempo so you can go from one song to another without your stride getting thrown off.
  • I'm an animal lover, and that was my biggest reason for making the switch when I was 15, but after a few years, I switched back to eating meat. Didn't last long. I'm back to being a vegetarian, but the main reason for the switch this time was developing a severe food anxiety and not trusting eating meat or eggs mixed with…