

  • Definitely another vote for shock absorber!!!! I'm a G cup and when i first tried one on i thought i couldn't even breathe in it never mind exercise in it, however I've got used to that feeling now. It keeps the girls exactly where i want them to be, stops them hurting and i don't end up with 2 black eyes! My main problem…
  • I take severe hormonal headaches, the only medication that stops then completely is the combined pill. So for me microgynon is a way of life now. I have tried the mini pill-it made my headaches worse, gave me acne, bloated me and gained weight and turned me into a raging ball of hormones, the mirena coil-made my periods…
  • Hi Hayley The best thing that helps me is sitting down in advance and logging on here my food for the next day, then i know what i'm having, how many spare cals i have, fat etc. Like Tiff587 i try to eat more protein than carbs, around 90g of carbs in a day (but i don't include veg in this) and around 130g of protein in a…
  • Anyone from N.Ireland? Originally from N.west, lancs but living in N.I 7 years now. Over the last 2 years i've lost 5stone through diet and exercise but after a recent op and trying different medication have put 7lb back on. Have another 4 stone to go, would like atleast one stone off before we go on holiday in May. I'm on…
  • Unfortunately for some women BC is something they have to take. For years i've suffered with migraine like headaches (feeling sick, immense pain all round my head, head feeling like its in a vice, not being able to have a conversation the pain was that bad and having to go to bed by tea time everytime i had one). When i'm…
  • protein (i aim for about 130g per day), carbs (92g ish per day), cals no more than 1200-1400 per day and fat no more than 43g per day. I'm always over my goals for protein every day and under on my carbs but as protein helps to burn more cals then i don't mind going over and it must be working because i've lost 70lb so far…