nordic44 Member


  • oh...forgot to mention..walk everyday for 60 min
  • I am much older than you, but also short and had struggles this year (my mother died in March) I pulled myself together and have done high protein (as that helps keep hunger away...) lots of veggies and salads and actually added more olive oil in all cooking ...cut out most flour, sugar (and obvious carbs) I have lost 26…
  • 911Girl, I sure applaud your ambition to get this group going. It is so motivational to see how fast it has taken off!!! Jan 2009, I decided to do the 30 day shred religously...after 30 days, I challanged myself to make it 60 days, by then I went right to 100 straight days and soon after that my goal was for 1 year…
  • You are doing the RIGHT thing!!! Stick with your plan!!:smile:
  • I committed to "shredding" on Jan 1, 2009. I promised myself that I would stick with it for 100 days....AND IT DID !!!! During that time, I also found a great class at the gym that I love called "Body Pump" which is using weights with music...after 100 days, I decided I could give up the shredding as long as I kept up the…
  • I committed to do the 30 day shred for 100 days this last New Years. When I got to 100 days, I was in such a habit of doing something every day that I am still working out daily. (although I have tried to mix it up a bit a day, bike a day...but it all started with Jillian) I loved "shredding". I gained endurance…
  • Hello everyone! We'll I started my journey January 1, 09 and wanted to be fit and healthy by my birthday which is this week. I decided to COMMIT to exercise and calorie counting (which is where my fitness pal has been a life saver) I exercise everyday even though sometimes just a workout tape for 20 long as I…