phoenix72 Member


  • Im starting again, had spinal surgery last year and recovery isnt what it could be. Not in right place to change overnight so Ive just started using the tracker which has already stopped me picking at seasonal left overs! Its also made me aware of the exercise I could be counting, limited to walking, but better than…
  • Hi All - Just come back on since I left my post, I love the fact so many of you have things in common. Thanks for the advice on weight loss, I've altered to maintain now. I'm craving mashed potato all the time and I'm showing very early, I'm sure I've caught some people looking at me 'funny' at work but I dont want anyone…
  • I joined MFP to try and lose weight before conceiving, because I'm 38 I thought it would take a while. However my partner and I were delighted and felt very fortunate to find out I was pregnant quite quickly after only 5lbs weight loss (Ive since put a lb on). Because I was 1.5 stone lighter when I had my daughter I'm…