

  • Building muscle through strength training helps you burn calories for longer AFTER your work out, so it is of significant benefit in weight loss. However, you may see weight gain as you build muscle rather than weight loss. Muscle weighs more than fat. So, it requires a re-focusing.... you watch for lost inches instead of…
  • Have youthought about/ tried Tai Chi? It is very gentle, flowing movement. There is a modified Sun version, created by Dr. Paul Lam, that has been specifically designed for individuals with arthritis and pain. He has created numerous instructional DVD's; arthritis, diabetes, back pain, and even a seated version. The DVD's…
  • If you burn too much and eat too little, your body will kick into "starvation mode", and you will actually stop burning fat. Your body will hold/store that fat to keep you alive. From everything I've read/researched/been taught by fitness experts & personal trainers, if you exercise and burn extra calories, you need to eat…
  • Chris Freytag total body sculpt, or any of her workouts! Total body sculpt incorporates hand weights for toning & intervals. It's very difficult to get bored with any of her workouts, especially if you mix them up.
  • I want to be at 170 pounds and MAINTAINING - keeping up with my swimming, aerobics, yoga, and tai chi DAILY, as well as continuing to eat healthy. I want to make it through the holiday season without backtracking and giving up. I want to go shopping for new clothes that show off all the hard work I've been doing!
  • Try typing in "cleaning". I found it that way. I think it's great to add in your housework if it is above and beyond what you normally do in a given day. For example, every 6 months I do a 4-5 hour top to bottom cleaning & I definitely count those calories burned!
  • I joined 2 weeks ago, & I'd love to be a part of this group! My goal - 120 minutes of swimming each week, 120 minutes of high intensity cardio & weight/resistance training/week, 60 minutes of yoga/week in addition to at least 20 minutes of additional "moving" (dancing with kids after dinner, walking or riding bike with…
  • Count me in too! Eating as many organic foods as possible & avoiding processed, sugary foods, etc.... - 22/30 days. LOVE this challenge. FYI - if any of you are near a Kroger, Kroger has an organic section with lots of clean foods. Otherwise, a whole foods is a great place to shop!
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