I'll do it!! McDonald's fries are hard to resist though!
I recently completed a 5K as a brisk walk and I did go for a short 30 min walk the day before. If you really want to compete in the 5K maybe do something light the day before or take off a day. Good Luck!
Great article!! I have noticed that I eat much better when I am drinking my 8 glasses of water. When I forget or get busy or lazy then I tend to eat things that I really shouldn't be eating.
Arnolds Sandwich thins Laughing Cow Light Wedges Chocolate Chips (a small handful goes a long way for a chocolate craving)
I'm glad to know I am not the only one concerend with Holiday eating!!! I like the Drinking lots of water idea and the only healthy item that I know off that will be at the BBQ we are going to is grilled chicken so that will be my lunch/dinner! Good luck to all of those trying to make it through the holiday without packing…
You do need salt in your body to function however processed foods typically have higher sodium levels. Especially the Diet frozen dinners you can buy at the grocery store. The few articles I read stated that you should stay below the 2300 mark which is what food labels use. I saw this on one article on WebMD: "Keep in…
You CAN do it!!! Good luck. I too decided I need to get a move on and lose some weight. I signed up for this site a few months back but decided yesterday to use it when the 1st week into my weightloss competition at work I gained 1/2 lb! I like that there are others you can chat with and tracking my food and exercise was…
these look awesome! I cannot wait to try them. thanks for posting the recipe.
I agree the Flat Belly Diet plan is great. I actually went up half a pound this week after goign to a football game and was considering doing the same!