

  • Yay! Go you
  • Keep it up ladies ! And oh wow katellanova you're almost done with the program. Keep it going
  • I hope everyone is keeping up with their workouts! I honestly haven't been (shame shame) but I am determined to finish this program no matter what. I don't know about you guys but if you've come so far might as well just finish it right?
  • Wow I start workout 7 tomorrow and I am a tad bit scared lol but I'll manage to pull thru
  • Thanks! Ugh I didn't do cardio yesterday but I did manage to do it this morning yay lol since I missed yesterday I'll be doubling up today and do workout 5 tonight. Idk if anyone else has been checking in but keep it up everyone!
  • Hello everyone! My name is Sarah. I just found this group and was wondering would it be too late to join? I started the program on 10/8 but I am a bit behind since I got sick during one of the weeks and the thanksgiving break messed me up. I soo need some motivation at this moment and I would love to finish the program. I…
  • Bump! Great job everyone. You guys have given me some type of hope that I can reach my goal lol