amcanzo Member


  • Gary - so sorry to hear about your dad. Hospice is a Godsend - take care of yourself! Gwen - I'm doing IF as well but right now I'm doing 14/10 - I figure I'd do that for a while, extend to 15 then slowly push to 16 hours... I hate feeling hungry! ROBIN! So good to see you and I'm glad you're doing better and feeling…
  • Syd- Great job on the exercise! For me, that's half the battle so good for you! Gwen- good to see you and I know what you mean about the social aspect of drinking. I struggle with that as well. Went up north this past weekend, went deer hunting. Didn't get anything but enjoyed a few cocktails and time with family. Zeros…
  • Had a pretty good week - food & exercise-wise Mon - 0 drinks Tues = 0 Wed - 2 glasses red win Thurs - 0 Last night I caved and had 5 guys burger and cajun yummy but I'm trying not to eat much meat anymore so yeah... Syd - My daughter is out in your neck of the woods, I think...she's in Burbank till Tuesday. Wave…
  • Haha - all I could think of when Gary said Syd was our leader was "take me to your leader" :D I told myself after I got back from Florida that I was going to buckle down, exercise more, eat better, cut back on drinking... I got back from Florida a month ago! :# :# ugh...My eating has been atrocious, my drinking has been…
  • Welcome back Amy! Enjoy your concerts, sounds fun! My drinking has been fairly consistent, in the middle of a huge kitchen project so after each step is complete- a drink seems to be the reward.... :# better finish soon! :)
  • Got back from our Anniversary trip - 6 days in Florida. 2 days in Key West, 2 days in Key Largo and 2 days in Ft. Lauderdale. It is unbelievably hot in FL, humid too! Can't quite figure out how people can live there!! It was a great trip with tons of walking but tons of alcohol too, gained 1.5 pounds but it's pretty much…
  • Awww....Gwen - your pictures are awesome! I'm so glad you had a good time-your son looks so handsome and your DIL is beautiful :) Love the dress!! (yours and the bride!)
  • From our recent trip...this was Cleveland, right by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. From there we headed to BrewDog Hotel - which is an all beer hotel. It was super cool and beer-y :)
  • Gary - lol - you sound like me...every day I tell myself to behave, eat well and not drink but by the end of the day, I don't listen to myself at all! :# ;) Since a fine line between balancing and enjoying life...
  • Syd- so happy to hear it came back all good! <3. The concert by the marina sounds awesome, that would be right up our alley of things we like to do. Gary- enjoy the trip- sounds fabulous! Gwen- looking forward to wedding stories and pics! Just plugging along here - been kind of a pushy week but my workouts and mostly good…
  • Syd - not at all! It's only bad if you're counting the hours and minutes! ;) Birthday weekend for the husband.... oh boy! Here comes the alcohol! Just have to try to avoid the walk of shame... :#
  • Gwen - I love friends that always find the bright side :) I had one drink Monday and 1 last night so not too bad so far... Next weekend is my husbands birthday though, so that always entails going away for a weekend trip and lots of drinks typically... :wink:
  • Crossing my fingers for you Gwen! I know how mean that scale can be, I hope yours is friendlier!! :blush: Syd - ugh, that is nasty heat! :open_mouth: Did pretty well with alcohol this week, 2 drinks on Wednesday, the rest of the days were zeros however, tomorrow we are going to a summer beer festival...could be dangerous!!…
  • Syd - you are doing it up right - champagne and margaritas! Nice!! Gary - My scale always looks at me seductively and I think it will be nice but nope!! It's a tease-run the other way!! ;) I'm considering my weekend a win - 3 drinks the entire weekend and my weight dropped a smidge. Weekends are usually a DISASTER for me…
  • Happy 4th! Syd- the pub crawl story sounds like the story of my life! I promise myself I'll go on whatever outing and "behave", not drink too much and then typically have too much. Ugh! This week has been fairly successful so far but of course, now I'm off work till Monday so, we'll see ;)
  • Congrats Gwen! Your art making some $$ is certainly exciting!! :)
  • Syd - Happy Bday to your hubby! Gary - that actually sounds exciting, meeting the aunt & uncle from Japan - looking forward to hearing all about it! Gwen - The kitchen will be beautiful when it's done, I'm sure - you'll make it thru and that is why alcohol was invented! ;) Quiet weekend here I'm really hoping! We've been…
  • I love all of your new profile pics! I think I need to go update my profile picture! No zeros here BUT I have kept the consumption very low - 1/2 of a beer on Monday and just one vodka/mineral water yesterday, so not bad. Happy Father's day Gary and to all the lushes husbands!
  • Syd - sorry to hear about your ankle! That's kinda how I broke my foot last year, rolled my ankle but fell into a pool so my foot took the majority of the damage! Your pictures were beautiful!! Gary - going for all zeros myself this week! We can do this! :) Gwen - great job on the consistency! WooHoo! We were in St. Louis…
  • Happy belated Mother's day to all! Had a good day here although the weather was completely poopy! Today it's nice finally - sunny & 68 WooHoo! Going for a walk after work! The youngest daughter is getting engaged this seems so scary and adult-like! She is my husband's daughter, she is 24 and we adore her young…
  • Ugh, Gwen, scales suck! The pounds will come off, you'll see! Suicide sucks too. My daughter struggled with depression for years and attempted several times. I'm always worried that those bad times will return for her. It's a terrible thing and needs to be talked about more. I'm sorry for your losses. Enjoy that vacay…
  • Gary - reading that line about your parents made me laugh out loud - pretty sure there isn't really a polite way to tell a son they are disowned... :p Syd - the trip was amazing! We really, really enjoyed Antigua. The other islands were great as well but we did an excursion in Antigua that was biking, Kayaking and hiking…
  • Sorry I've been MIA, things have been crazy. Seems like it took me forever to get caught back up at work after our trip. Now I just have to get myself back together and get back to healthy eating and working out! Syd- sorry for your loss ❤ Gary- good luck with the visit-sounds like it could be awkward! Gwen- enjoy the…
  • I don't even want to discuss snow :p one of the things I do at work is property management for business tenants. We've had to do so much snow removal this year- good for the bottom line, rough on our guys that work here! Yesterday, Michigan had 24 hours of wind, gusting to 60mph and snow- fun! :# Weight is coming off, not…
  • Hello! Gary - My MIL has the same problems with balance. She is FINALLY using a cane on a regular basis since taking several falls. She has nephropathy in her legs and feet so often she doesn't even feel them 100%....glad we finally have her convinced that a cane or walker is no longer optional. I'm assuming I'll probably…
  • Oops! Forgot - Robin: CONGRATS! Wedding and new baby??!! Doubly exciting!!! <3
  • Gary - Love the Ambien plan...I am not a big fan of flying...maybe I should try that! Syd - OMG Bora Bora is somewhere I would LOVE to go! I would be uber jealous of that trip!! Going to a MMA fight tonight - my daughter's boyfriend's brother is fighting, so we're going to root him on. Should be interesting. Tomorrow -…
  • Finally feeling better after being sick for a week-and-a-half... :p Just a chest cold, but the coughing was driving me (and my husband) nuts! Couldn't sleep, couldn't do much of anything...I just love winter :p :p We are taking a southern Caribbean cruise in March that I'm super excited about...St.Maarten, St john,…
  • Awww, sorry to hear about that cat Syd- I know how hard that is. <3
  • Tues - 0 Wed-0 Thurs - 0 Funny Syd, I checked my stats as well from one year ago New Year's Day - I'm 8 lbs less, which is good however it also means I only lost a total of 8 lbs in one year... :# not so good...