

  • As everybody else said i also weigh first thing in the morning but do usually have my bed time clothes on too scary a sight being nakey hahaha. I also have a bit of an issue with the scales and weigh each day too x
  • awwww hunny big big hugs, being a ceilac is tough going i used to work in a hotel that catered for people who were gluten intolerant. Its gonna be hard for a while checking ingrediants all the time but it will soon become second nature and if it stops your painful attacks then its worth it isnt it. good luck with the tests…
  • awwww yeah Thanks so much Sann thats fab. hi to you both xxx
    in Hey all Comment by torbaydi January 2009
  • sending you loads of luck, you can do it, we all can xxx
  • awww i dont need to have coffee but i like the occsional cup. Hope your check goes ok hunny xxx
  • i dont think once a week is a problem hunny and we all need to look forward to something that we love, i have already decided that if i am going to stick to this weight loss regieme i have to allow myself something that i love once a week, i do love KFC but instead of having a big meal i will opt for a kids meal, or if i…
  • yeah very well done hunny, thats fantastic, keep at it xxx
  • hiya both, thanks for your welcomes, wishing you well on your journeys. Can i ask how do i get my ticker to appear in my posts, will it appear after so many posts or do i have to add it somewhere, ive looked but cant see anywhere. thanks in advance hugs xx
    in Hey all Comment by torbaydi January 2009
  • you've been given some fab advice hunny, dont beat yourself up ok 4.5lb loss is fantastic its better than a gain after all, keep at it all those pounds soon mount up hugs x
  • ive been drinking green tea for 3 months now, i started drinking to boost my immune system as i had pneumonia in february last year then a hysterectomy in August and had chest infections too i thought it could do with a boost, i think its helping as ive only had 1 cold in 3 months and usually i have loads, i dont know…
  • i'd like to join this challenge too if thats ok. i'd like to set my target to loose 8lbs by V day xxx
  • i love watching this program, its nice too that it is do able x
  • I'm Diane 33, Married to Paul 37, we have 4 kiddies Stephanie is 14, Stephen is 12, Gemma is 8 and leo has just turned one, we all live in Torbay UK. I'm looking forward to a new year a sharing my weighloss journey with you all Hugs di x
    in Hey all Comment by torbaydi January 2009