Thankyou!! :)
. Ooooh I love these! I dont have the cocoa powder though. They really are yummy!
I havent tried protein bars but i'm definitely gonna give them a go
^^ Exactly!! I had to do the same thing, give it up completely! Otherwise I would binge. Now when I do eat something it's overly sweet and I get so bloated with a horrible stomach ache. Try giving up the sweets, the first three weeks are the hardest, then it's smooth sailing! I use All-Natural fruit strips as my "sweet"…
My boyfriend told me to drink protein shakes but im just scared everything will make me put on weight. I dont know why, I dont know much about shakes. I shall trust him and try them though :D
I drink semi skimmed, i'm usually against skimmed but I was against wholemeal bread before I tried it and now I love it. Doing half and half sounds good, im gonna do that, thanks!
Thankyou :D!!
Thanks alot :D Im not a massive fan of Veg but i'm sure if I want a toned body im gonna have to put up with it :P
I used to snack on butterscotch mints but then I found I was eating basically a family bag of them a day :(
Mmm I love popcorn too. Thanks alot!
Thanks very much! :D
I have my hot chocolate with milk, I dont know how bad that is. I really dont like it with water
Haha im probably going to end up having it removed anyway if I keep eating sweets :p Im definitely gonna give the dark chocolate a go!
Thank you :D:D
When I was a kid I used to steal my nannas dark chocolate but it used to be too sickly/sweet so i'd end up giving it back. So yeah, dark chocolate does seem like a good idea. I could eat milk chocolate all day :(
Wooow congratulations on losing all that weight! Im from england and I dont know what cool whip is :$ But the rest sounds amazing haha :P Thanks :D
Ooh sounds lovely :D Thanks!
Have you tried them too? Are they a good chocolate replacement? And thanks :D
I'll look into it. Thanks alot!!!!
So did you just stop eating it all together? I cant imagine doing that!
Ive never heard of Raw snow peas before :O Do the sell them in England?
Ahh i'm jealous! I know quite a few people that are like that but instead of the chocolate they have like 4 bags of crisps a day. Thanks alot also :):)
Me too. Even after a bowl of cereal i'm craving a biscuit or something. Fruit just doesnt help :(