

  • Thanks! That confirms what I already suspected :)
  • When I'm at the gym, I'm there to work out. Do I wear clothes that are fitted? Sure, mostly because I'm proud of the progress I've made with my body. If people my notice my boobs or my butt, great for them. Do I put on a full face of makeup? Absolutely not. Sweaty = Sexy. If the guys at the gym don't find that attractive,…
  • I'm horribly disappointed. I just looked on amazon and in an attempt to promote all the new "exhilarate" videos, they aren't selling them really. This is the system I prefer. http://www.amazon.com/Zumba-Fitness-Total-Transformation-System/dp/B002HZ4XMC/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1334706678&sr=8-2 I wonder if you can get them…
  • As a suggestion, if you're going to get Zumba (which I would), I'd order the original older set. I have both the old and the new and the old are a much better workout in terms of cardio and calorie burn. I was really disappointed when I compared my data using my HRM to see the new ones didn't measure up.