

  • Hunny, we have all been there! it's about learning the LIFESTYLE. Not dieting. Day in, Day Out making good choices! These days ANYTHING YOU COULD POSSIBLY BE CRAVING has a clean version! Here are some tips I use: *Mini/Major goals- set a weekly goal, and a long term goal. (sometimes, esp during my time of the month, my…
  • Hello love! I will apologize in advance, because I did not read everyone elses comments 1st. This site has already factored in what you need to do to get to exactly where you want to be in a healthy fashion. Not eating the calories given can send your body into metabolic distress (aka starvation mode.) Over time, this can…
  • Pick a new time to go. I had this problem a few years ago. I got bored and stopped. I used to work out at night but I always saw the same people, doing the same stuff. I now go in the morning. I people watch while I work out, just cause it gives me something else to do other than listen to my music and I like it better…
  • Thanks everyone for your tips and friend requests!!!!!