AngelTwin27 Member


  • Definitely good for you! Two or three times per week is ideal for best results and increasing your weights as you go makes a huge difference over time as well. I've seen great results in myself and also huge transformations in other people who do only Pump classes as their weight training, plus group fitness is much more…
  • I have had days where I've thought "ahh, what's the point?" after a bad day or two, but then I feel like crap and eat really healthy again... Once you've learned how to eat better, it doesn't seem to take much to bring you back in to line - your body gets used to the good stuff and craves it when you fall off the wagon.…
  • Wow, just wow! You look amazing and I second one of the comments above about appearing to not have aged at all in 15 years! Congratulations - what a fabulous achievement!! :-) I too am only four years in (no kids though), but gained a lot of weight in the first couple of years and recently put my dress on again and I think…
  • I always try and log my three main meals in the morning and then I know what's left over for snacks. I've heard of people running out of calories before dinner, because they've snacked too much, so this works really well for me. I actually get quite anxious if I have no idea what's for dinner! LOL Sometimes I do even…
  • Another vote for Polar FT4 over here!! *waves* :-) My husband has the FT7 and also rates it, but the FT4 does the trick for me.
  • I make a really yummy Ratatoullie! Courgettes, Carrots, Brocolli, Onion and Mushrooms (or anything else that takes your fancy) - Chop and roast all the veges in the oven (I like to pre-boil some that can take longer to roast) and then stir through some pesto style canned tomatoes and garlic and roast a little longer, then…
  • I have a Polar FT4 and I love it, as do a few others I know and a couple have the FT7, which offers a few extra features. Polar seems to be a pretty good brand at a reasonable price!
  • I've got a lot of friends and family who just don't get it - they are really happy for me to be losing weight and do compliment the results, but they just don't want to hear about calorie counting! I'm in a situation where I have a group of friends all using MFP together and it does tend to dominate conversation a lot, so…
  • If your net is lower than your goal, you'd lose more weight! I spent a few weeks not eating any of my exercise calories and I lost weight faster than when I was eating them all back. My calorie goal was 1500, so I was netting an average of 1100 with at least 400 exercise calories most days....
  • I agree that the Elliptical is better on the knees! It is zero impact on the body, but still a great workout! I get a better burn out of the Elliptical, especially when I increase the resistance level. I have a Heart Rate Monitor and can see that I'm working harder on the Elliptical without feeling like I'm working super…
  • It is awkward, but still doable. I do a weight's class at the gym on a regular basis, using a barbell and we do lots of deadlifts as part of it, but there is another class designed to introduce people to weights where you use dumbells instead and it feels really weird... Watch this video - go to 37 seconds in and you'll…
  • We had been together for 5 years when we got engaged - I was 24 and he was 26, we got married just over a year later (aged 25 & 27) and will celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary in two weeks! So, we've been together for over 10 years in total! :-)
  • LOL I too love both of these! Have to admit, I have tried this! LOL Couldn't resist trying it out! haha
  • I'm addicted to group fitness classes at the gym! I know they aren't for everyone, but if you find the right ones, they can be loads of fun!! Admittedly, there are a few instructors that spark major motivation in me and I do usually have a buddy or five to join me, so there's more motivation there. I certainly wouldn't…
  • Hmm, will have to take a good look through this when I have time! :-) I'm always on the look out for good snack ideas! Thanks everyone!
  • I'm interested in this too! :-) I've been tracking sugar as well and am truly amazed at how many "healthy" foods actually have lots of sugar in them! My sugar allowance is just the default that MFP set for me, which is 30. Most days I over-shoot it by around 20 - some days more if I've had a sweet treat, but usually it's…
  • If you go to a gym, ask someone there if they can do a proper check on site or if they can recommend somewhere to you. Me and a group of friends get our BF % checked regularly at our gym - it takes less than five minutes and has got to be more accurate than an online calculator! It's just a case of stepping on some scales…
  • It's working for me! I was doing weights classes at the gym for a year before I started on Fitness Pal, without seeing a major change in my physical appearance. The weight loss was immediate when I started counting calories on this site - I was truly amazed at the results! I can feel the muscle tone underneath and it's…
  • Love it! I'm totally addicted and a lot of the previous posts relate to me too! Love watching the "days in a row" total get bigger... I've been told off more than once for pulling my phone out to log what I've just eaten while sitting at the dinner table when out with friends. haha *guilty* Sometimes I'm just sending an…
  • Agree with everyone above - you cannot bulk up through basic weight training and more muscle will burn calories more efficiently. I've been doing regular weights classes at my gym for over a year now and certainly don't have any bulk to show for it! Yeah, I get that it's not "weight training" as such, but I feel I get more…
  • A great driving game is GT5. The graphics are amazing and the tracks are very true-to-life! I can highly recommend this one!! :-)
  • I take a breath every second stroke, after trying every fourth for a while and feeling out of breath! Feels weird coming up every second stroke like that, but it seems to keep me going! And I too only breathe on one side - can't imagine taking a breath on the other side, feels awkward!! LOL Also, water jogging is awesome…
  • You are not going to put the weight back on, so get rid of them. :-) If you keep them with that in mind, it will just happen! You could sell the good stuff on Trade Me and make some money, then give the rest to the Op Shop/Clothing Bin.
  • You know you can do it - don't forget you have a great support network to help you!! :-)
  • I agree with KahuNZ - we are all allowed to have a day off once and a while!! :-) I like to watch my weekly summary anyway and as long as I'm under my weekly goal, I'm happy - a day over here and there never killed anyone! ;-) We aren't doing anything for Christmas this year, so will probably keep the eating to a minimum…
  • I find it really amusing - especially if I've had a bad day and it tells me that I'll be 3 or 4kg heavier in 5 weeks! LOL I'm mostly losing at a faster rate than it predicts anyway, but it's still interesting as a guide. Just imagine if we were all disciplined enough to eat and exercise the EXACT same way every day for…
  • I did this a couple of years ago and it's awesome - good luck to you all!! :-) I can definitely recommend getting the pod casts - I started out just using a stopwatch timer and listening to my iPod, but when I discovered the pod casts, it made a huge difference and I could put more focus in to what I was doing, rather than…
  • Yup, Wellingtonian over here!! *waves*
  • Congratulations!! You can edit your original weight if you want it to be more accurate - I made the same mistake when I signed in and after a week went back to edit it for overall accuracy. Tomorrow will be my 30th day and I'm well and truly addicted! I'm not really in it for the weight loss, but I've still managed to lose…
  • Thanks for asking this question! I'd be really keen to know too. Some things I feel are probably quite accurate, but others seem a bit "out there"...