I live alone too, and have a very limited budget. One of the tricks that I use, is that my friends and I do, is we buy things in bulk and share the cost, or we cook up huge pots of things and then split the results and freeze them in individual portions. This way we both get the savings of buying bulk, without having to…
I have a food blog and this is a twist on hummus that I came up with. It isn't traditional, but it is really delish!! And so inexpensive i made the whole recipe for less than $2.00. Enjoy.
I can't eat first thing in the morning either, but i found it much easier to bring something to work to eat with my coffee once i arrived. I found fibre 1 bars very helpful, or just a tupperware of fruit. Also weight watchers makes some pretty good breakfast sandwiches or quesadillas that are very filling. Just a few ideas.
I would be happy to have you as a friend. I do not eat processed foods, refined sugar and i eat very low carbs. I too have a long way to go, but i have had success in the past and know i can do it again, and hopefully this time keep it off. I could definitely use some more buddies for support as well.
I bought the weight watchers scale at walmart. its great.
So could I just wake up tomorrow and start fresh? What do I do with the remaining junk food? Do I just throw it out? [/quote] throw it out. Hide it in the back or the freezer, give it to friends, just get rid of it.
I have a couple theories on bingeing (they are only my own, based on my experiences and should not be confused with professional or expert advice) 1. Fasting never helps. What are you going to do as soon as the fast is over? Binge because you are starving. and the cycle starts again. then you feel bad and guilty cause you…
I do low carb, but as i am not a big meat eater, i do find i have to have some carbs or I will starve, so i try and make my carbs count. I only eat sprouted wheat bread, the more fibre the better.
Hypothyroidism seems to affect people very differently. I was diagnosed in June with levels of 10.9 (apparently i have been suffering for a while without a diagnosis. I thought being tired and indecisive was due to the stress at my job). I still have not reached the normal range. My doctor is still adjusting my meds. My…