

  • I live in a small town and don't get out very much. So I don't have a place to go where they have a specialist to help me, so I just wanted to know what most people prefer just to get an idea of what to look for and to see if the stores here even have them.
  • Hi team!! My name is Danielle and I have been using MFP since about October of 2011. I have lost 17 pounds using this site. But over the past year and a half I have lost about 45 pounds total. I really like this site because I feel like when I post my food diary for everyone to see I am a lot more conscious about what I am…
  • Hey all! My name is Danielle. This is my first challenge. I am currently going I school for my degree in Early Childhood Education and I work at a daycare with the infants. I am currently 230 pounds and have lost 15 do far using MFP and about 40 since I was at my peak weight. I really want to lose the weight so I can be…
  • I use Just Dance 2 and it is a really great workout and it doesn't feel like it because you are having a fun time doing the dances!
  • I've found that when I start to feel the emotional eating or bored eating coming on I think to myself "Is this really what I want?" I then have a glass of water. And after this I usually don't have the urge to eat anymore. And if it's still there it's not as bad and I usually decide on something healthier like a fruit or…
  • Wow!! That's incredible! Great job!!