TrekCat Member


  • I am committed to: Starting training for my first Triathlon Cleaning out my office so I can put a treadmill in there! Riding my bike to and from work on at least 3 days this week. Coming back here to review my commitments! And I am thinking about starting a Blog on here, but since I am still thinking about it I guess that…
  • I'm in! Kind of hoping you are talking about today? I know there are just two of us on this right now, does that mean the two of us our partners? Or that I need to find someone else?
  • I am committed too... *doing my work out with my personal trainer on Wednesday and finding at least 30 minutes of exercise a day this weekend *only asking my hubby one more time to come with me to work out - and then letting it go *supporting my sister this weekend in her weekend of hell *NOT becoming an emotional eater…
  • So how many calories does this activity burn?
  • So....does buying running shoes - in the hope of becoming a runner - fit this? It was just for me! :)
  • Have big plans for Chick Flick night with the women of my family - we are all going to go see "One For The Money" LOVED the books, excited to see how they do it!
  • Took a little ride today because it was nice. Going for the big one tomorrow - ride to work is 17 miles, to the gym after work is 22.
  • Does stationary bike count? I will work towards one century in February. I am really wimpy when it comes to trying for the first time today since it is only 40 outside, with a high of 60 later, and the wind is not too terrible. Kansas is fickle. Wish me luck someone, because I am not sure I can do this!
  • I have a My Diet Coach app on my phone that gives me a 15 minute timer when I have a craving - it even has a "I give Up" button if I decide to bail! The idea is that if you can put off a craving for 15 minutes, your body/brain/life will have a chance to go on to something else. Plus, this app has a ton of "talking points"…
  • I log everything I am going to eat in the morning during the week, so that IF I am going to loose it, I know how far I have to go. Weekends, I suck....
  • I have been doing this, but no response, which is ok. I think that it is more important to just keep trying
  • How to I find/join the facebook group? I could really use some extra support fr days when I break down...
  • I am NOT a runner, and I haven't done a challenge yet so this should be interesting. But I am joining on November 5th, is that ok?
  • Thank you all soooo much! I found that I love to bike. I was biking to work (17miles) but then it got cold and I just failed. I have continued to go to cycle classes, but often feel that I just suck compared to others. Cycle class is different then being on the open road by myself. But then again, I didn't push myself to…