Kdonovan512 Member


  • That's it! I'm going trick or treating!
  • Actually, with a good progressive resistance training program we probably build A good 200 lbs of muscle in a year. Unfortunately, due to stress, lack of sleep, bad food selections, overtraining, and so forth we lose about 195 lbs of muscle in the same period and therefore "only" gain 5 lbs. The numbers are just an example…
  • Boy I can relate to your question since I love fruit! As I’ve gotten older I’ve really had to cut down my consumption of fruit due to the high content of fructose in some fruits (unfortunately most of my favorite ones!). My parents would have never in their wildest dreams imagined that as an adult I would gain an…
  • Your body is in self-preservation mode. As most of the posters have stated, you should consume a couple of hundred calories over your maintenance level for about two weeks and then go back to a calorie deficit. Dieting for too long will eventually create a situation of diminished returns that can be circumvented…