

  • Feel free to add me, i would be glad to help you on your journey!
  • Glad to see new members!! I am more into maintaining my weight and actually gaining more pounds of muscle! I stay on here more to track what I eat. I too, am always looking for new friends to help encourage and be encouraged by, so anybody can feel free to add me as their friend!
  • I completely agree with the fact that if you get healthier and fit, that you feel better and the rest of the people around you feel better!! i did it so i could help lower my sugar and be healthier and to appeal to those ladies over 40!! :-) You do what you feel is right and what makes you feel better!!!
  • Good Luck and feel free to add me as a friend! My motto is to take life one moment at a time and focus on that one moment! If you can subscribe to that it makes it much easier to stay focused, especially when you hit those walls!