He appears to be on vacation.........and I am jealous.
I am currently using a Polar Loop (activity monitor) and a Polar H7 HRM chest strap that pairs with the loop. I am impressed with the details it supplies me about my workout. My heart rate, cals burned, % of fat, time spent in certain zones, etc.
When you record a gain, it does not report it to your friends list thankfully lol. Your ticker will change but that is all. That morning to night fluctuation is very normal, though, so try not to obsess. Pick a time of day to weigh if you're going to do it daily, and keep it consistent. For most of us, it's in the morning…
There really is no secret. For me, it boiled down to consistency and a deep seeded desire to actually change. You've got to be ready to completely transform your life. It's not just about exercise and food intake, either. Your perspective and attitude need to follow. It has become an all encompassing journey of self…
What an awesome story! Congratulations to the two of you!
I am looking for the same. I am coming up on 2 years here and love adding people who actually use this site and get to know the people the friend on here. :) Feel free to add me!
You can absolutely see a huge different! You're much more lean and your legs look great. Pretty back tattoo, too. ;)
I swam! It was 90 and sunny here. I need many more days like this.
I think she's beautiful. She is lean and athletic looking. Do I think that is a realistic body goal for everyone? No. Is that easily maintained? No. Did she likely train/eat/sleep/repeat leading up to this competition? Probably. Beauty is subjective. My husband does not like super thin body types. That said, can't we all…
Absolutely! When I started here, I was 250 lbs and my doctor had just diagnosed me with an under active thyroid, pcos, and diabetes. I also have moderate neuropathy in my legs (which was why I went to the doctor to begin with). Nearly 2 years later, I am happy and healthy. Aside from my weight loss, I now work at the gym I…
Fire crotches for the win!
I am NKY too! We are currently in Edgewood but moving back to Florence/Union this Friday. :)
The white shoes pop with that pretty shade of blue. :)
I'm down 87 with PCOS, diabetes, and an underactive thyroid. You absolutely can do it without Metformin. I've found that lessening (not eliminating!) carbs has really helped.
I'd like a little black dress with killer pumps. I don't want to have to put a jacket or sweater on either. I want to feel comfortable and take it all in. A bikini would be nice too. I don't think my stomach has ever seen the sun.
This is the age old debate on MFP. It gets people all worked up, too. Personally, I don't log it because it is a part of my normal daily activity. I would consider logging it if it was deep, seasonal clean and I was scaling ladders and such. It also depends on your setting - sedentary, lightly active, etc.
Nevermind. It was bad lol.
Feel free to add me. I keep my friends list low. Most of the people on it have been on this website a very long time. Today is my 575th log in day - ha! I'm 28 and 5'7", but I too love ice cream. :)
I have the Ultra. It clips in my pocket and I love it. It is easily hidden and keeps me motivated to keep moving. I, like you, am hesitant to wear anything noticeable. I don't think the Ultra is available any more as it's been replaced with a newer model. My only complaint is it's not truly wireless as advertised.
I would not have kept up with this had it not been for the support and encouragement my friends list has brought me. They are some of the strongest people I've ever had the pleasure to "know," and love being a part of their transformations. I've been here 500 something days and am approaching 100 lbs lost. Support is…
Epic. I shall make a batch tomorrow.
Feel free to add me. I just "celebrated" my 555th MFP day. I am 14 from my goal, and am a dedicated logger/supporter. ;)
She might be my least favorite celebrity. There is something about her public persona that I just don't like. Yes, she's beautiful. The MOST beautiful? Get real.
Cheers! I could use some more like-minded friends. :)
When I set my mind on something, I am fiercely determined to achieve the goal.
What the hell is wrong with people? :(
I only ran one "race" with a friend (the Color Run), of which was not timed. I am not the type of person who prefers a workout or running buddy though. If it's an actual timed race, you need to go at your own pace. If it's not timed, you still need to go at your own pace! Don't be afraid to tackle things alone. There will…
I don't personally know you or him, but since you posted in a public forum wanting goes. This does not sound like a healthy relationship to me. He sounds like a bit of a bully. Where is the unconditional love and compassion for a partner who is very obviously going through a hard time? His workout routine is…
To start, erase CAN'T from your vocabulary. If you go into this with a defeated attitude, you may as well quit now because you're not going to get anywhere. This is mental as well as physical. If the exercises you're doing hurt that bad, take it down a notch. Start with walking or other forms of cardio. Both the elliptical…
I checked the reviews online before buying this. They were all mediocre to bad. I couldn't justify spending the money on something like that. I am a big fan of both Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper, but was disappointed when they jumped on the supplement bandwagon and started pushing this junk.