Muir78 Member


  • As a fellow gal with PCOS, insulin resistance and all the other fun stuff that goes with it, I have found that low carb helps tremendously. As my ob/gyn put it..."almost keto, but not quite." There are quite a few recommendations out there to avoid dairy and soy. I guess one of the benefits of being Celiac as well (usually…
    in low carb Comment by Muir78 January 2014
  • So I finally have a worthwhile NSV to share... Had my 3-month follow-up with the doc this past Wednesday. It went really well and she was floored by the progress I've made so far (~50 lbs. since January). Bloodwork was all good, several improvements from last time and all that. She also gave me a new goal; she said that…
  • It may seem silly, but body-weight exercises are a great place to start. Things like push-ups, planks, and squats will help to strengthen muscles and no equipment needed. :) Also, starting with body-weight for some moves, like squats, to get down the proper form is also vital before you should even think about adding…
  • Fixed the images... need to have [ img ] ... [ /img ] (without the spaces) Great job!
  • Unfortunately, it's pretty much a toss-up and it really depends on the restaurant. Many will use vegetable oils and such for cooking while others use more ghee. Same issue with the sauces, some will use gluten-based thickeners and others not. Your best bet is to call ahead and see if they at least have gluten free items…
  • I don't really see this as diet with "cheat" days or meals, but rather a lifestyle change. That said, what I noticed when I would have something like bread or a sugary food, it made me feel so bad (stomach ache, nausea, GI issues, etc.) that I found I didn't want those foods anymore. While they may have tasted great at the…
  • To me, 5 pounds in a month is completely normal and healthy. Some people that are seeing the big losses may not be going about things in the most healthy way. But for others, especially those of us with a lot to lose (starting at 300lbs+), it's not uncommon to see huge losses at the beginning and things slowing down as we…
  • I'm not a mom, but this reminds on this photo I've seen floating around the 'net. Seems to be the sentiment of pretty much everyone here. :)
  • @DAM5412: NSV = Non-scale victory Also to the OP - I totally understand where you're coming from. I have a hard time seeing what I've accomplished and rather concentrate on what I have left to do. But hang in there, it sounds like you're on the right track.
  • I would say unless you have sugar or insulin concerns you should generally be okay with natural sugars found in foods, even if it takes you over (unless it's like double or triple over). Like others have said, make sure you're getting plenty of water and fiber as well.
  • Breaking your leg shouldn't matter too horribly much; your body still needs the nutrients, especially if it's trying to repair itself and fight off infection. I'm no expert, but if I were in that situation, I would keep the daily goal the same it is normally and just realize I may not lose the 2 lbs/wk or whatever. As for…
  • Congrats on staying alive! :D I'm on day 5 and JM is kicking my butt something fierce. As for logging, I added a personal cardio exercise for it and used the calories from my HRM.
  • That is an absolutely amazing journey. Congratulations on your accomplishments thus far and best of luck as you continue. :)
  • Awesome job! The difference is amazing and in a pretty short time too. :)
  • That's awesome. Congrats on the wins! :)
  • I've been looking at trying out yoga as I can see the benefits and several folks I dance with are always talking about how it's done wonders for their posture, balance, etc. that has translated to their dance. But, I am concerned with the ability to actually *do* some of the poses right now due to size/shape/whatever. Does…
  • I'm not Asian but am about to marry into a Korean family where the majority of the women are between 4'8" - 5'2" and 95 - 115lbs. I'm 5'6" and about 280 lbs (so is my fiance - but they don't see his weight as an issue to comment on for whatever reason). It's kinda sad, but it actually makes me feel better to hear that it's…
  • This is so true. I was able to find a used copy of of Wii Fit for $3 and a used board for $40 at my local Game Stop. I really lucked out on the board though. When I opened it after getting home, it looked like it had never been used...still in it's plastic wrap. Good luck!
  • I too have made the switch from synthroid to armour and feeling and doing a lot better on it. But yeah, I've been struggling with hypothyroidism for about 10 years (at least that's when it was diagnosed) but have always had problems with weight and a virtually non-existent metabolism my whole life. I don't ever remember…
  • I'm so glad I'm not the only one. :laugh:
  • It's a way for someone to "bump" the thread to the top of the recent posts list. A lot of folks use it in various forums to keep a topic on the first page.
    in "bump"? Comment by Muir78 November 2011
  • I think a lot of people make the mistake that "organic" = "good for you." There are numerous organic foods out there that are high in sugar, fat, etc. that wouldn't make many folks lists of "healthy foods." As others have said, reintroducing processed foods, preservatives and other chemicals may make you *feel* different,…