I actually had breast reduction surgery (from an HH cup to a C). I then gained the weight and went to a DDD cup. After a 25lb weight loss I am down to a DD....I expect to go back to a C once all the weight is shed. That being said, I am pretty sure I would not have lost a whole lot of breast fat as I lost weight. I am…
He was too cute & too I fell for his Dad;)
Phoenix Pearl Jasmine Green Tea....smooth, soothing.....and it's really cool to see the little pearl balls of tea turn into huge tea leaves that look like phoenix after 3 minutes of steeping;)
If you don't have any problems with high cholesterol you will be fine.....if there is a problem the nutritional guideline from Health Canada suggests maximum 4 a week....don't know about the guidelines for other countries, sorry. Good luck on your quest.
I wouldn't stress about it because of a couple of, as everyone pretty much agrees on, is you won't feel like eating....two, your body will be using your metabolism to heal itself from the surgery.....let your body do what it has to. It's only for a few days....good luck with the procedure & your journey.
I'm not sure you actually had a true RMR test.....I've had 3 done in the last 2 years.....did you sit up, or lay down....did you have a mask that covered your nose and mouth and was very restrictive?.....did it last approx 20-30 minutes?......If you say yes to all this, then I would get a second opinion, just to be sure.
Add me....recently turned 50 & a dog mom of 2 pups who will both be 5 in July:happy:
Chest Pain!?!? visit first.....the sooner the better
The doctor is Dr Yoni Freedoff, his specialty is bariatrics, which is the study of the science of metabolism. He uses a well rounded program of weight loss, diet, exercise, psychology and has dieticians, psychologists and fitness instructors that he uses to help people acheive their goals. He measures your resting…
Yes, your base calories plus an extra 100 for every hour....sorry, miscommunication on my part
I was told by my doctor that you need to eat back 100 calories for every full hour of exercise you the amount of calories you burn seems to not be the mitigating factor for how much you need to eat to replenish your body but rather the time spent doing the activity.....just what I've been told to do, maybe not for…
I put 3/4 C vegetarian chilli, with 2 tbsps 5% sour cream and 1/4 C light tex mex shredded cheese....makes for an awesome lunch!
This is simple....I use unsweetened apple sauce instead of the oil....and it is AWESOME! (especially if you love chocolate)