ALindseyLaw Member


  • I'm Hashi, PCOS and Celiac - I hear ya ladies! I've been on Inositol through my DR for a few months, seeing positive test results but not losing weight. He encouume to work on building muscle to help aid the process of healthy insulin burning and storage. Looking for accountability and support while I work on this next…
  • Would love to join (although it doesn't seem to be closed!?). I am on W1 D4 - lovin' it so far but not feeling too tired/sore just yet. I have been doing turbokick for months and I think it really helped prepare me (plyo and resistance). Good luck to everyone over the weekend!! Cheers to Insanity and to us for being so :)
  • Weigh yourself the same time of day each time you weigh as you will greatly fluctuate throughout the day, especially if you are drinking a lot of water! Don't be discouraged, the idea is to "trick" your body and keep it working hard and you did a lot for one week (cutting cals and doing insanity) - hang in there and see…