

  • :laugh: I've had that silent-treatment instructor. But yes, there's always that one instructor who's class is jam packed (sometimes to the point of having to deny entrance to those that arrive after a certain time).
  • Ooh me, me, me! I'm a Zumba aficionado. Agree, I've done close to every types of workouts (cardio, mind/body, strength, etc) and, although I do like them, my :heart: truly belongs to Zumba. Can't imagine going to the gym JUST to weight train; it gets boring. It was definitely intimidating at first (going to a group class),…
  • Before getting a HRM, I would use the following website to calculate my calories burned. But yeah, you can't go wrong with a heart rate monitor: http://caloriesburnedhq.com/zumba-calories-burned/
  • @LeinaGrace, I LOVE most of SHINee's songs (Juliette, Lucifer, Ring Ding Dong, Sherlock, Electric Heart, etc), but I feel the same way. I just can't bring myself to like them as a group, at least enough to call myself a Shawol. I feel the same way about other popular groups: Big Bang, 2NE1, 2PM. Anyone else love a group's…
  • I wish I could go to ANY concert (never been to one). I'd do anything to see JYJ and CNBLUE live :cry: I'm not really a VIP; more of a GD fan. Can't wait for his comeback :bigsmile:
  • Right! Combine my 2 loves, Fitness & K-Pop :wink:
  • Been a k-pop/k-drama fan since 2008. I love: CNBLUE, Block B, SUJU, U-KISS, B1A4, JYJ/DB5K, currently loving EvoL/Tasty,/Cross Gene/VIXX, Dalmatian, SHINee, 2NE1, G-Dragon, Nine Muses, BEG, ZE:A, M.I.B, etc.......(:huh: that's a lot of acronyms) True, I started out with K-drama's and fell in :love: with their OST's. Add…
  • I remember my first Zumba experience. It was at my Uni's gym. I stayed at the very back of the studio (about 40-50 participants) with another newbie, both quite intimidated. Following the instructors quick pace was confusingly frustrating enough :huh: , but I also had to deal with not being able to see the instructor's…
  • 5) Dogs 4) Headphones/mp3 falling out 3) Pervy honkers (cars) 2) 100 degree weather and humidity -_-; 1) SHIN SPLINTS!!!!!!!