

  • Hey- Part of the reason for the "loss of water weight" in the beginning of a fat loss program comes down to the science of the molecules. Long story short, your body stores carbs and each Carbohydrate molecule has the ability to bond with 3 H2O molecules to become fully saturated. As your body burns through stored carbs,…
  • If you are going for body fat recuction, you generally want to save your glycogen for weight lifting, as the conversion of using fat for energy is a slower process. 10 minutes of a warm up, weights, then however much energy you have left for lower intensity cardio... once you deplete glycogen stores, you don't need to "run…
  • Hey there-- what is it that you were wanting to know about glycogen, anything specific? In general, glycogen is stored in several places and is basically how your body stores sugar to use as energy. You have muscle glycogen, glycogen in the liver, etc. When exercising... let's say you're doing strength training and you're…