Wow! Keep it up! You have great results all ready! Are you following the nutrition plan as well?
I just started too! Pure Cardio tomorrow and I am nervous!!! But I know if I can dig deep I can do it! haha Good luck on Day 5!!
Your best answer here is from @lblert. I too have struggled with an eating disorder on and off for over 9 years, although it can start off with an extreme desire to be thin, and dieting, calorie counting etc, an eating disorder is in fact a mental illness that really has nothing to do with food itself. There are specific…
@kelseyhere You are definitely right that different people look different at the same weight. In my case, it's not the missing protein. I've been on a keto diet for the last couple years due to other medical issues, so my diet is primarily protein. Probably close to 55% protein. I started to lift heavy weights with…
@tattedchic 130lbs is probably the perfect weight for being 5'9, if you tone and build muscle you will probably be in the same weight range but you will look way more athletic. I'm finding it so hard to build muscle after I lost weight
Hi I'm 5'8, close to 5'9, weighing 120 right now but looking to gain weight through muscle building. I lost weight very quickly and I look "skinny fat". Muscle weighs more than fat so I am looking to bulk up about 10 lbs.