MsLovely707 Member


  • I have taken Adipex more then once; I have only used it more then once because I did not stay on it until I achieved my goal weight. I am using it again now to (hopefully) complete my journey. It works well for me. I have high B/P and don't usually have and issue. It is a great tool and I did not have the excessive re-gain…
  • Ok so...I finished week 1 and on to week 2. I am going to be honest. I did not follow 100% due to life getting in the way but I stayed active and watched my portions for the most part. So far I lost 3.1lbs and about 4 inches. It is trying at times is what it is. I like it. Im dripping with sweat at the end of the…
  • Its not a calendar...Its a few pages in the back of one of her books. It is basic tho... Week 1 & 2 Monday-workout 1 Tuesday-Workout 2 Wednesday- Cardio 1 Thursday-Workout 1 Friday-Workout 2 Saturday-Cardio 1 Sunday-Rest... Then you do the same thing the following weeks but change the numbers so 3/4 for week 3/4. Just…
  • Jillian Michaels-Body Revolution....WoW!! I am only in the first week but it is kickin my butt!! I am sore in a different place every day!! But as far as the diet plan, If you follow the 7-day fast start Metabolism that comes with probley have most of those ingredients in your cabinet already. very basic no carbs.…
  • I am a full time working mother with three children. They are 14, 5, and 3 months. I tend to have a hard time working in exercise and lack motivation too. Last night I was sitting on the couch feeding my daughter when I realized I went over in my calories and needed to burn at least 366 calories. I could not…