If this was Facebook I would "like" your post! Tres bien ecrit
Hi, I'm 5'9, at 158. Used to be at 145 "pre babies', then ranged between 150 to 153 for a few years. Now, 158??? What's going on??? Must go back to the lower 150 but it is muuuuuuuuch harder then before to get there. I like being more mature, sure of myself, but loosing weight when you are a little older sucks!
i am going to Paris. i am so happy to be the one to initiate my kids to their first european travel. Planning on trying the red wine!
you people are so short! What about being 5'10"?! Je pese 153 et souhaiterais etre a 145 livres - before baby weight - mais rationnellement ne pense pas pouvoir vivre agreablement en appreciant la nourriture et le vin avec ce poids...
Really? I am 5"10 and I was told to eat a max of 1500 calories, which is not working by the way... I lost about 2 pounds (took for ever) and gained it back in a second! Could it be water retention? That period of the month? My bodes' way of telling me that at 155pounds I'm ok? They all sound like excuses...