

  • This. I would like to stay home from work everyday, but then I couldn't provide for my family. They are important to me, so I make sacrifices. It's also not all about being 'skinny.' I would hope it's more about being healthy.
  • My anaconda wants some...
  • As long as you promise it has nothing to do with believing that beautiful pink color has anything to do with blood or bugs, then I will defend your right to eat burnt steak against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. However, if you still believe that the pink color of the meat or the juices on the plate have anything…
  • I apologize if I have offended you. I hate talking over da webz. I am only trying to educate. As I have said in each of my posts, if you have tried a properly-cooked medium rare steak and prefer it another way, then by all means. My point is that as far as what a large majority of people consider the zenith of steak,…
  • Actually, as far as tenderness and juiciness is concerned, people who can measure such things will tell you that a properly-cooked medium rare steak is tops in both. If you have other things that you are looking for, then by all means eat it the way you want to.
  • If you bought it, it's commercially sold. I didn't mean to offend, but I just hate it that people have been robbed of great-tasting, well-cooked, tender steak because they have been told or assume that the pinkness of meat is blood. Blood coagulates and would be a thick, dark red substance. If you have never tried a steak…
  • Please don't tell me there are still people who think that there is actually blood in a commercially sold piece of beef. People, there is NO BLOOD in your steak. The pink is myoglobin, not hemoglobin. You can eat your meat however you want obviously, but please don't say it's because of blood.
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